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Bing, born from the ashes of Live Search in June 2009

Damien Chazelle’s intergalactic thriller First Man hits theaters on Thursday. Its box office success may depend on how well viewers receive the movie’s globalist theme.

The film, a biographical depiction of the Neil Armstrong-led historic space mission to the moon, will launch in 3,600 theaters nationwide and is expected to take in upwards of $20 million.
Yet the success of First Man may depend on whether viewers are willing to embrace its internationalist theme. Last month, it emerged that Chazelle had apparently omitted any references to the mission as an American achievement as well as any presence of the American flag being planting on the moon — a decision the directed said was not a political statement.
“To address the question of whether this was a political statement, the answer is no,” Chazelle said in a statement last month. “I wanted the primary focus in that scene to be on Neil’s solitary moments on the moon.”
Ryan Gosling, who plays the role of Armstrong, also argued the mission was more of a “human achievement.”
“I think this was widely regarded in the end as a human achievement [and] that’s how we chose to view it,” Gosling told The Daily Telegraph.
However, many political figures expressed anger at Chazelle’s decision, with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) describing the decision as “total lunacy.”
The film also drew criticism from President Donald Trump, who said he would not want to watch the movie.
“I wouldn’t even want to watch the movie,” Trump said in an interview with The Daily Caller. “When you think of Neil Armstrong and when you think of the landing on the moon, you think about the American flag.”
Buzz Aldrin, who was part of Armstrong’s mission to the moon, also appeared to signal his disapproval, writing on Twitter that he was “proud to be an American.”
Fran Drescher is ready for a reboot of The Nanny — and she knows exactly who she would want to cast in the series!
Stopping by PeopleTV’s Chatter on Wednesday, Drescher, 61, spoke about a potential revival of the 1990s sitcom — saying that she’s on board for the project despite little interest from the current networks.
“I’m totally down with doing it,” she said. “I don’t know what is going on with some of these networks out there because they do not seem to be hip to the fact that there’s an obsession amongst millennials for the show and moi!”
Still, that didn’t stop the actress from revealing her dream cast member for the show’s unofficial revival.
“I wanna do a sitcom with Cardi B,” Drescher said. “Wouldn’t she be great as my daughter?”
Most bees are diurnal creatures, meaning that they’re active during daylight hours. After flying around all day, they start to slow down around dusk and return to their colonies at night to sleep.
Considering that daylight plays an important role in a bee’s busy schedule, would a total solar eclipse thwart their plans? Would the bees think it’s time to turn in for the night when the Moon passes in front of the Sun and blocks out its light? These are the questions researchers from the University of Missouri set out to answer when they tracked bee activity during the last total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.
Their findings, published today in the Annals of the Entomological Society of America, yielded some surprises. Lead author Candace Galen said they expected to see bee activity gradually diminish as the sky darkened. “But we had not expected that the change would be so abrupt, that bees would continue flying up until totality [of the eclipse] and only then stop, completely,” Galen said in a statement. “It was like ‘lights out’ at summer camp! That surprised us.”
Of the 16 locations they tracked, only one bee was heard flying during the eclipse. This is one of the first studies to analyze how bees respond to a solar eclipse, and few studies like this have looked at similar behavior in other insects or animals. A 1991 study found that desert cicadas in Arizona stopped chirping for about 40 minutes during a partial solar eclipse. Another study from 1973 found that captive squirrels became restless and ran around far more during an eclipse, while other research showed that Blue bulls at a zoo in India altered their feeding and resting periods during a partial solar eclipse.image


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